Scholarships & Awards

Graduate Funding Opportunities 

Funded Cohort (up to year 5)

Eligible students receiving only the FAS minimum base funding; paid per semester as UTF tuition (two payments), UTF stipend (three payments), plus EAS top up stipends of $5000 each. Students receiving major scholarships will also receive UTF Top Ups which vary based on the scholarship (e.g. $3000 is paid per year to Tri Agency scholarship recipients).

Doctoral Completion Award (DCA)

Full-time PhD students going into years 6 or 7 may be eligible for a doctoral completion award. Students must be in good standing in their doctoral program and making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their degree requirements. Value varies based on available funds, deadline to apply, June-July.

Program Completion Award/Tuition Exemption (PCA-Covid related)

Provide direct income support to students who need extra time for academic progress because of COVID-19 related delays. The PCA is available to eligible students outside the funded cohort for the first two sessions of registration immediately after exiting the funded cohort. Eligible students must’ve been registered in Winter 2020 (or before), must be making satisfactory academic progress and receiving SGS Tuition Exemption (the TFE must be applied in the first two sessions after leaving the funded cohort). Funds vary based on availability, deadline to apply, August.

TAship/Course Instructorship

Dept offers TAship as part of funding packages and to students outside the cohort. TAs and Course Instructors are unionized positions and jobs are posted for the Summer, Fall and Winter terms, on EAS website and EAS Graduate Listserv.


Offered as trainee fellowships: supervisors occasionally offer fellowships to students; consult with supervisor to see if any funding is available from grants managed by professors. Amounts will vary based on type of work and qualifications of RA. These amounts are paid in full as fellowships to students (T4A income, non taxable) since the research is directly beneficial to student’s degree and academic progress.

Work Study

Eligible Graduate students who are registered in both Fall and Winter terms may apply for opportunities in research (work with professors) and to gain work experience in the office. EAS offers 4-8 jobs each year which can be found online at the Registrars’ Work Study site. Jobs are available in August (Fall/Winter) and April (Summer). EAS students can also apply to jobs in other Units. Pay rate is in line with Ontario hourly minimum wage, but the key is invaluable work experience which is consistent (up to 1-year) and can enhance a CV.

Major Awards

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowships

The SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships are selective scholarships given to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and protected persons pursuing a doctoral degree in the humanities and social sciences and are valued at $40,000 dollars a year for up to 4 years depending on the years of study already completed. Applicants must have completed no more than 48 months of doctoral studies by December 31 of the calendar application year.

Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s Scholarship (CGS-M) 

This scholarship is given to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and protected persons who are pursuing a master’s, combined master’s-doctorate, or direct-entry doctorate program and who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their undergraduate or early graduate studies. This scholarship is valued at $27,000 for one year, and applicants must have completed less than 12 months of graduate study by December 31 of the application calendar year. Deadline is Dec. 1.

Connaught International Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to PhD International students, value is $10,000 annually as a top up in funding for 4 to 5 years. Application date is winter, results in March.

EAS Restricted Scholarships

Vincent Shen Memorial Scholarship in Chinese Thought and Culture

Graduate students from the departments of Philosophy or East Asian Studies whose work focuses on Chinese thought and culture are invited to apply for this scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to one or more graduate students based on academic merit. Value will vary per year and call for applications are usually made between April and August.

Thorpe Mandarin Language Training Award

This scholarship is awarded to graduate students (Masters or Doctoral) based on academic merit and financial need. Student must be enrolled in the Department of East Asian Studies undertaking Mandarin language training. Funds will be distributed at the discretion of the Department Chair, and are intended to provide support with the costs of these opportunities. Approx. value is $5000, value will vary annually based on available income.

EAS Graduate Research Award (funded by OSOTF and non OSOTF)

This award was established through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) which is made possible by various donors with matching funds from the Ontario Government and the University of Toronto. It is awarded to graduate students in the Dept of East Asian Studies who are Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. Recipients must be either a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident of Canada who has an Ontario mailing address at the time of the award (must reside in Ontario for at least 12 months prior). MA and PhD students are eligible to apply, students can also be nominated. The value of the EAS research award is approx. $500 to $1000 depending on income earned by the fund which is supplemented by non OSOTF.

Faculty of Arts and Science Restricted Award

Ruben Cheng and Pui Yuk Cheng Graduate Scholarship in the Humanities

Awarded to a Humanities graduate student in the Department of East Asian Studies based on academic merit and financial need. Application not required, students are nominated based on merit, approx. value is $4000.

Other Scholarships

Reverend Doctor James Scarth Gale Scholarship in East Asian Studies

This scholarship is awarded based on academic merit to an undergraduate or graduate student in support of their study or research in East Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, etc.). It is valued at approx. $3,000.

Chizuru Suzuki Memorial Scholarship in Japanese Literature and Japanese Studies

This is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student in the Department of East Asian Studies, based on academic performance in Japanese studies courses, particularly literature courses, and participation in extra-curricular activities promoting Japan-Canada cultural ties. Value will vary.

Okamatsu Japanese Book Award

Awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student in the Department of East Asian Studies who specializes in Japanese studies. This award is given for the purchase of books for Japanese studies and is valued at around $800.

Dr. David Chu Scholarships in Asia-Pacific

Awarded to undergraduate and/or graduate students who are pursuing study and research related to the Asia-Pacific region. Financial need must be considered, and academic merit may also be considered.

Ting Fang Chung Scholarship

Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student who either:

A) Is currently enrolled in the Department of East Asian Studies, and intends to continue their education at a university in China

B) Is a Chinese student resident in China who intends to continue their education in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Toronto.

Selection is based on merit and includes an assessment of the candidate’s ability to derive optimal benefit from the experience. Application deadline is April 1.

Mark Gayn Graduate Scholarship

Five awards of $10,000 each are given to graduate students studying China, Russia, or the Soviet Union. Applicants are considered based on academic merit and must submit their application to their graduate unit. Scholarship is offered between the Asian Institute and EAS.

Dr. Chai-Shin Yu Memorial Scholarship in Korean Studies

This scholarship will be awarded to a graduate student in East Asian Studies based on academic merit, financial need and whose research focuses on Korean studies.

Vivienne Poy Chancellor’s Fellowship

Given to one currently enrolled domestic master’s or PhD student in the humanities or social sciences. Valued at $40,000. Application required through FAS website, by April, with results in summer and payment of award in the Fall.

Julia Ching Memorial Fellowship

The Julia Ching Memorial Fellowship is available to support graduate students working on a PhD thesis in the field of Chinese Thought and Culture. The funds are stipulated as available to students in Religion, East Asian Studies, or Philosophy “to assist with their later studies on Chinese thought and culture.” ABDs are welcome to apply. Doctoral candidates are encouraged to apply. Application with CV, unofficial UofT Transcript and a one-page summary of their research project and a writing sample (a chapter, a research essay, etc.) must be submitted to Associate Chair Graduate by April.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program encourages excellence in graduate studies at publicly assisted universities in Ontario. Value of award, $5000 per session ($10-15,000 in a year); this is a one-year scholarship and application is through the Unit, using SGS application portal. MA and PhD students are eligible, and students must be domestic with limited # of awards to international students. Application deadlines set by unit. OGS applicants cannot hold major award such as SSHRC. Grade average must be at least A- in the last two years. Applicants must be in good standing with OSAP (Ontario Students Aid), and typically must not hold full-time employment. Graduate unit will contribute 1/3 of cost of these awards.

EAS Special Awards

EAS Conference Travel Awards

Provides financial support to doctoral students presenting their research at an academic conference during the later stages of their graduate studies. Provides funds to cover at least the minimum registration fee for a conference. Applications are due by December 1 of each year and priority is given to students in advanced years of study and supervisors must be copied on application. It is also a requirement to register trips with the University Safety Office Abroad before any disbursement can be made.

EAS Financial Need Bursaries

Offered once per year, call for applications made December to January. Value of bursaries vary, $500-$1000, priority is based on financial need which must be outlined in application.

EAS Excellence

Awarded annually in the winter term to recognize excellence in teaching and leadership in the Department. Faculty members will nominate outstanding students and following an adjudication review process with Chair and Graduate Associate Chair, a decision is made for these awards. Value of award will vary depending on availability of funds.

EAS Writing Grant

Details to be announced in the Fall 2024.

EAS Research Bursaries

A limited # of bursaries of $1000 each will be awarded annually to support PhD students in good academic standing to support research activities. This may help to offset expenses for travel to visit other library collections, purchase equipment, books & supplies etc. A call for applications will be made in the early part of the winter term. Supervisors must be copied on application and if travel is involved, registration with the University Safety Abroad Office is required.

SGS Awards/ Financial Aid

SGS Conference Travel

Provides financial support to encourage students in the earlier stages of their graduate studies to present their research in an academic conference. Provides funding for at least the registration fee for the conference. Deadlines are based on the date of the conference as well as the application period. Calls for applications are done three times per year and SGS awards are intended to supplement awards from units. See SGS Financial Aid website for more details about grants, bursaries and awards.

SGS Financial Assistance (Grants and Bursaries)

Travel and conference grants, parental leave support, gym bursaries, completion funding, shortterm loans and grant assistance. See SGS Financial Aid website for more details about grants, bursaries and awards.

SGS Student Aid

OSAP, University of Toronto Financial Aid (UTAPS), other provincial loans, and U.S. loans. See SGS Financial Aid website for more details about grants, bursaries and awards.


For more information on graduate funding opportunities, please contact Angela Ho, EAS Program Administrator (email: Last update: June 2024.